I am a HUGE supporter of this campaign! I have family members with breast cancer, and I personally have a chronic (non fatal just annoying and painful) disease that is beleived to be triggered by environmental factors. Women are able to have babies, lets face it we are special, but with that it seems that we are more susceptible to illness as the result of "brown" (non green) lifestyles. I truly believe that if we are ever going to get this country, and this planet, to be environmentally friendly, it is going to be done by women. We are the ones most affected, so we are the ones that need to stand up for our bodies and fight against pollution. OK, I'm off my soapbox and now I'm going to list some of the other supporters of this fantastic campaign: bracelet
(I bought one of her bracelets for this cause as i already owned a regular bracelets and i think its the nicest one I've ever bought)
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