"In the ongoing coverage of the plan to build the Keystone XL pipeline to pump crude tar sands oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast, a key issue is too often ignored: the ecological horror caused by the oil's extraction. The vast tar sands surface mines of Alberta are among the most destructive industrial projects in human history, having already transformed more than 160 square miles of wetlands and forest into a post-apocalyptic moonscape. Because few Americans will ever see this scorched-earth degradation firsthand, we decided to show you some photos, taken by Canadian photographer Garth Lenz."
These photos are incredible and really eliminated any doubt in my mind. its just crazy to think that our government could be approving such a disaster!
PLEASE READ MORE AND SEE THE BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS HERE: http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/201111/tar-sands/default.aspx