Some Background:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Wise Barista

So my barista, Kara, at a locally owned coffee shop, is very wise. Anyway, yesterday she had my order mixed with someone else's and we got to talking about the other persons love of splenda. Four to be exact in a single latte. She told me that splenda has a chemical that stores itself in your fat cells like giving your cells a memory of this fake sugar. I was on the splenda kick but after my cancer at 27 decided to make the switch to stevia. I wondered if she was right though about it being stored in my fat, I mean I assume it is, she is very wise. BTW last week I gave her a lesson on the dangers of soy and estrogen levels but thats for another post. So I did a little reasearch. Heres what I found (except from my favorite article):

"Splenda contains a potential poison
Splenda contains the drug sucralose. This chemical is 600 times sweeter than sugar. To make sucralose, chlorine is used. Chlorine has a split personality. It can be harmless or it can be life threatening.
In combo with sodium, chlorine forms a harmless “ionic bond” to yield table salt. Sucralose makers often highlight this worthless fact to defend its’ safety. Apparently, they missed the second day of Chemistry 101 – the day they teach “covalent” bonds.
When used with carbon, the chlorine atom in sucralose forms a “covalent” bond. The end result is the historically deadly “organochlorine” or simply: a Really-Nasty Form of Chlorine (RNFOC).
Unlike ionic bonds, covalently bound chlorine atoms are a big no-no for the human body. They yield insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides – not something you want in the lunch box of your precious child. It’s therefore no surprise that the originators of sucralose, chemists Hough and Phadnis, were attempting to design new insecticides when they discovered it! It wasn’t until the young Phadnis accidentally tasted his new “insecticide” that he learned it was sweet. And because sugars are more profitable than insecticides, the whole insecticide idea got canned and a new sweetener called Splenda got packaged.
To hide its dirty origin, Splenda pushers assert that sucralose is “made from sugar so it tastes like sugar.” Sucralose is as close to sugar as Windex is to ocean water.
The RNFOC poses a real and present danger to all Splenda users. It’s risky because the RNFOC confers a molecule with a set of super powers that wreak havoc on the human body. For example, Agent Orange, used in the U.S Army’s herbicidal warfare program, is a RNFOC. Exposure can lead to Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma as well as diabetes and various forms of cancer! Other shocking examples are the war gas phosgene, chlordane and lindane. The RNFOC is lethal because it allows poisons to be fat soluble while rendering the natural defense mechanisms of the body helpless.
A poison that is fat soluble is akin to a bomb exploding internally. It invades every nook and cranny of the body. Cellular membranes and DNA – the genetic map of human life – become nothing more than potential casualties of war when exposed. Sucralose is only 25% water soluble. Which means a vast majority of it may explode internally. In general, this results in weakened immune function, irregular heart beat, agitation, shortness of breath, skin rashes, headaches, liver and kidney damage, birth defects, cancer, cancer and more cancer – for generations!
McNeil asserts that their studies prove it to be safe for everyone, even children. That’s little assurance. Learning from the Vioxx debacle which killed tens of thousands, we know that studies can be bought and results fabricated.
Some things are worth dying for. Splenda is not one of them. "

I told you I had a wise barista!
To read more visit:

Animals scared of flashing power cables

"Animals around the world could be scared away from power cables because these give off UV flashes invisible to humans, scientists have said.

Several species' vision was studied by an international team to identify this ultra-violet (UV) sensitivity.

The findings, published in the journal Conservation Biology, claimed habitats and migration could be disrupted.

The flashes, or corona, occur when charge builds up in a cable and is released into the air.

The international team, including scientists from University College London and the Arctic University of Norway, measured the spectrum of light emitted by these bursts of charge.

They worked out that although the light was invisible to us, it contained wavelengths seen by many other mammals.

"Most mammals will let some [UV light] into their eye," explained UCL vision expert Prof Glen Jeffery, one of the lead researchers in this project.

"We're weird - us and monkeys - because we don't see UV. Most animals do." "

To read the entire article visit:

*Excerpt from BBC website

No Frack Zones in UK

BBC has an article that fracking "may harm wildlife" in the UK. Umm, you think?  Organizations are creating no frack zones for the protection of wildlife in the UK. :
Pink footed geese
... Harry Huyton is head of energy and climate change at the RSPB.

He told BBC News: "We have found that there are serious potential risks to the environment from fracking.

"There are risks associated with using lots of water, with causing the accidental contamination of water, but also from the infrastructure that is required by the industry. This could mean lots of well pads all around the landscape. All of these could have an impact on wildlife.

"We would like the country's most special sites to be frack free. We think that's the reasonable thing to do at the outset of this industry. These areas are very special and also very vulnerable to disturbance and pollution. Why not, from the beginning, say that these areas are out of bounds."

Thank you UK for being on board... To read more visit :
- picture and quotes from BBC website.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A good cause from the Earth Day Network

This is the email I received and I send my message to my representatives, did you!?   :
Every year, we waste more than 60% of the energy we generate in the US. In fact, the amount of energy wasted in the US in 2012 could power the UK for 7 years!

Simply put, we need to become more energy efficient. That’s why the Shaheen-Portman energy efficiency bill is so important. The bipartisan Shaheen-Portman bill would promote energy savings and efficiency upgrades in commercial and industrial buildings, helping to dramatically reduce the amount of energy we waste.
Tell your Senators that you support the Shaheen-Portman energy efficiency bill!
The bill enjoys widespread support from environmental advocates and businesses, alike. It will save energy, reduce costs for businesses and the federal government, and save taxpayer dollars.
It seems like a no-brainer. Unfortunately, the bill has been stalled in Congress for several months. We can’t afford to keep waiting. Energy efficiency is too important—both for our environment and for our economy.
Contact your Senators today! Urge them to support energy efficiency and vote for the Shaheen-Portman bill!
Thanks for your support,
-The Earth Day Network Team